«MetaHead» Music + Artwork Collection

The next Exit Limbo series is finally ready!

Exit Limbo
4 min readOct 7, 2021

This new collection series is entitled «MetaHead» and is centered around the music of Exit Limbo. Each Retrowave/Rock instrumental track has a dedicated, highly polished artwork, derived from new concepts of the ongoing videogame production. These NFTs will be released exclusively on the Wax blockchain.

The new Exit Limbo Music + Artwork packs will go on sale on October 8, 2021 at 17:00 UTC and can be unboxed at 20:00 UTC.

10.000 Synth packs will be sold for $5
5.000 Synth packs will be sold for $25

All Tortellino / Lambrusco token owners are whitelisted and can buy packs at a 20% discount, 1 hour prior to the officiale sale (16:00 UTC rather than 17:00 UTC). These tokens were found in every Tortellino and Lambrusco pack of the first series and are NTT (Not Transferable Token, so you can’t buy it, you have to open the pack), so you still have time to open a Series 1 pack!
Whitelist Sale is limited to 1.000 Synth Packs and 500 Phat Packs and this packs will come out with random mint from the drop.
You can check if you are eligible for the whitelist here!

The packs and the contents

In every «MetaHead» packs there are Static Shards that combined together will generate the fragments of the songs, called Music Shards. The blending of Music Shards belonging to the same song will give the final Music NFT with the music track and artwork.

Each fragment and consequently each complete NFT will have a different rarity, so have fun collecting them all! The more exclusive large packs already contain 4 Music Shards that give you a head start to composing the complete NFTs.

Last but not least, each packs has a chance to contain a 3D model NFT. These are in 5 rarities: common, uncommon, rare, legendary and two 1/1 unique versions, one in the Synth pack and one in the Phat pack, which will entitle you to receive an exclusive physical Action Figure for free!

Packs in detail

Soundcheck Promo Packs
1 static shard
Distributed in a promotion

Synth Packs
10 Static Shards (1 preminted)
10% chance to receive a 3D NFT (all preminted)
0.01% chance to receive 1 unique NFT valid for a Limited Edition Action Figure claim
Price: 5$ in WAX

Phat Packs
30 Static Shards (1 preminted)
4 MusicShards (1 preminted)
20% chance to receive a 3D NFT (all preminted)
0.02% chance to receive 1 unique NFT valid for a Limited Edition Action Figure claim
Price: 25$ in WAX

Gamification model: Blending, Superblending and Mint Rush

Each complete «MetaHead» Music Nft (full track + artwork) made through blending will be minted on demand starting to mint #1, so be quick to get the lowest mints.

Collect 6 identical Static Shards and use the blend function in order to obtain the corresponding Music Shard.

This Music Shard is a fragment of the final artwork + a piece of music.

The union of all 6 different Music Shard (again using the blend function) will generate the complete «MetaHead» Music NFT.

Only 8 full «MetaHead» NFTs are achievable in this way, the special 9th one is only possible through the Super Blender!

Got any left over Static or Music shards? No worries!

You can recycle them with the Super Blender to get the shards needed to blend the special 9th Meta Head music Nft, called «Penetrator»

Use the Super Blender to burn any 6 Static Shards to receive 1 random Penetrator Static Shard. Limited to 900 blend!

Use the Super Blender to burn any 6 Music Shards to receive 1 random Penetrator Music Shard. Limited to 450 blend!

Blend all 6 different Penetrator Music Shard to receive the Penetrator Music NFT.

Completion rewards

Holders of all 9 «MetaHead» Music NFT will later be rewarded with another special rare NFT.

More rewards will be announced after the sale!

Passive earnings

Waiting for our own Staking System to earn the Exit Limbo coin you can already earn by buying and collecting our NFTs.

Thanks to our partners you can earn tokens simply by holding the Exit Limbo NFTs in your wallet!

With collect.social you can earn RACOON token for the Exit Limbo full sets and more are coming.
Our collection is also a mining collection on Collect, so you get RACOON the first time and then every day!

With Wax Arena so you can earn AEXP token for every Exit Limbo NFTs!

You can always swap RACOON and AEXP for WAX on Alcor exchange

A new opportunity come from Warsaken, a new play-to-earn coming to WAX. Go on Warsaken Discord, find the Kanshu-Region Channel and vote Exit Limbo if you want to see us be an Ally and earn more tokens from your Exit Limbo collection!



Exit Limbo
Exit Limbo

Written by Exit Limbo

With this NFT project Exit Limbo bring his experience on WAX with animated characters, cinematic artwork and exclusive music NFTs from the upcoming album!

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